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CIES Eurasia SIG Membership

Dear colleagues,

This is the time of the year when we renew our CIES membership. We encourage you to renew your membership in or join the Eurasia SIG. (Membership fee is $10).

The SIG membership is vital to our group, both for the effective communication and collaboration, but also to have more opportunities for Eurasia SIG to be represented at the highlighted sessions during the CIES conference (it's our current SIG membership that determines how many highlighted sessions we are eligible for in a given year).

Please follow the link for the instructions on how to renew or enroll in SIG membership:!membership/c1xp5

The conference submission due dates are coming up! Early bird deadline: October 6th. The final deadline: December 1st. Our sessions will only be as interesting and stimulating as we make them. So, please submit your work to Eurasia SIG. Finally, spread the word! Encourage your colleagues and fellow graduate students to join the Eurasia SIG group. If you have any questions about membership fees, please contact our Treasurer Marina Kudasova.

And on FaceBook:

SIG Leadership

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