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2016 Summer Newsletter: Publications


Bray, M., Liu, J., Zhang, W., & Kobakhidze, M. N. (Forthcoming, 2016). (Mis-)trust and (abuse of) authority in Cambodian education: Parallel lessons in the shadow. Revue international d’éducation de Sèvres. The Centre international d’études pédagogiques (CIEP), Paris.

Book chapters

Ahn, E., Dixon, J., & Chekmareva, L. (2016). An overview of higher education transformation in Kazakhstan. In I. Froumin, J. Huisman, & A. Smolentseva (Eds.), A comparative study of higher education transformation in the former Soviet Union. London, England: Palgrave.

Ashraf, D., & DeYoung, A. (2016). Creating social cohesion through teaching of the Qur’an Pakistan’s Swat Valley: Evaluating the UNICEF Approach. In S. Niyozov, D. Ashraf, & M. Tajik (Eds.), Contested terrain: The school as a 21st century battleground in the mountains of Pakistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. Guilford, CT: Lexington Publishers.

DeYoung, A., & Zholdoshalieva, R. (2016). Teaching as a profession in the Kyrgyz Republic: The quest for building/rebuilding the knowledge base. In I. Silova & S. Niyozov (Eds.), Globalization on the margins (2nd ed.). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.

Karabaev, D., & Ahn, E. (2016). Language choices of Kyrgyz students in Tajikistan. In E. Ahn & J. Smagulova (Eds.), Language change in Central Asia (pp. 149–168). Berlin, Germany: Mouton de Gruyter.

Kataeva, Z., & DeYoung, A. (2016). The changing status of faculty work and life in the universities of Tajikistan. In I. Silova & S. Niyozov (Eds.), Globalization on the margins (2nd ed.). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.

Kataeva, Z., DeYoung, A., Valyayeva, G., & Jonbekova, D. (2016). Higher education in Tajikistan: Institutional diversity and key policy developments. In I. Froumin, J. Huisman, & A. Smolentseva (Eds.), A comparative study of higher education transformation in the former Soviet Union. London, England: Palgrave.

Osman, S., & Ahn, E. (2016). Navigating change: Kazakhstani English language teachers’ responses to multi-scalar education reform. In P. Ng & E. Boucher (Eds.), English language teaching: Teacher agency and policy response. New York, NY: Routledge.

Paine, L., Blömeke S., & Aydarova, O. (2016). Teachers and teaching in the context of globalization. In Gitomer, D. & C. Bell (Eds.), The handbook of research on teaching (pp. 717–786), (5th ed.). Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association.


Ahn, E. (2016). Education transformation in Kazakhstani higher education. Higher Education in Russia and Beyond (special issue “Transformation of Higher Education Systems in Post-Soviet Countries”).

Aydarova, O. (2016). Teachers’ plight and trainees’ flight: The perceived, lived, and conceived spaces of schools. Voprosy Obrazovaniya [Educational Studies], 2.

Aydarova, O., & Marquardt, S. (2016). Re-visiting the global imperative for teacher education. Forum for International Research in Education (FIRE), 3(1).

Bray, M., Kobakhidze, M. N., Liu, J., & Zhang, W. (2016). The internal dynamics of privatised public education: Fee-charging supplementary tutoring provided by teachers in Cambodia. International Journal of Educational Development, 49, 291–299.

Bray, M., Kobakhidze, M. N., Zhang, W., & Liu, J. (2016). The hidden curriculum in a hidden marketplace: Relationships and values in Cambodia’s shadow education system. Journal of Curriculum Studies.

Kataeva, Z., DeYoung, A., & Jonbekova, D. (2016). The massification of higher education and diversification of the institutional landscape in the Republic of Tajikistan. Higher Education in Russia and Beyond.

Khavenson, T., & Carnoy, M. (2016). The unintended and intended academic consequences of educational reforms: The cases of Post-Soviet Estonia, Latvia and Russia. Oxford Review of Education, 42(2), 178–199.

Lisovskaya, E. (2016). Religious education in Russia: Inter-faith harmony or neo-imperial toleration? Social Inclusion, 4(2).

Osipian, A. (2016). Protesting Putin or protecting rights? Media reflections on reflective student activism. Contemporary Politics, 22(2), 215–231.

Šťastný, V. (2016). Private supplementary tutoring in the Czech Republic. European Education, 48(1), 1–22.

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