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CIES SIG Call for Papers

Dear SIG,

The CIES 59th Annual Conference will take place in Washington DC from March 8-13, 2015. Please visit the CIES website for details about the call for proposals, guidelines for proposal submission, and deadlines.

2015 CIES Eurasia SIG Call for Papers

Situated within the overarching theme of the CIES conference “Ubuntu! Imagining a Humanist Education Globally,” the Eurasia SIG invites individual paper, poster, panel, and round table proposals for the CIES 2015 conference which address issues of inequalities in education in the post-Soviet/socialist spaces of Eurasia and engage in reflections on humanist education that is inseparable from socio-economic equality.

We invite papers, poster sessions, panels, and round table proposals that speak directly to the theme of the conference as well as explore the following questions:

1) What are the goals and premises of humanist education, and how are they reflected in educational discourses and enacted in educational practices that aim to achieve education quality and equality for all children and youth in post-Soviet/socialist states?

2) What are the existing pedagogical approaches and curricular frameworks that serve to transform and empower children and youth to fulfill their human potential?

3) How can humanist education bring about social change for marginalized and excluded communities?

Please note the early bird deadline is October 6, 2014; the final deadline is December 1, 2014.

We are looking for volunteers! SIG leadership seeks volunteers to serve as proposal reviewers, please email me if you would like to serve as an anonymous reviewer for proposals. We highly value your participation in the SIG activities.

SIG Leadership

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